Italian scholar helped lay the foundations of the Church’s place in civil society.
The man whose cruelties gave us the word “sadism” is the forefather of today’s sexual and other radical revolutionaries.
Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State to Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, died this week at age 100.
German daycare attempts to rebrand after declaring it too hard to explain its namesake’s ‘political’ history to children.
The more we dig, the more the evidence shows facts are on the side of the Bible, not its critics.
What (Truth) can sustain freedom in a post-Communist world when calls for its abdication is a powerful social contagion?
Attacks on Jews throughout the ages ring eerily true to modern-day headlines, but Christians know how the story ends.
Could it be time for Christians to once again revolutionize education?
From the dark days of Watergate to boldly championing Christianity around the world, Colson’s life proved God’s providence.
The Oppenheimer movie has Christians revisiting the morality of warfare.